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WITS Frequently Asked Questions
How long does the study last?
The study is a 2-year-long observational study. Three visits take place at the baseline year, and the remaining two visits taking place 24-months later.
Will I receive any results or compensation?
Upon completion of the baseline visits, you will receive a Health Dashboard, which includes clinical blood test results, your blood pressure readings, an Apnea-Hypopnea Index score (measure of sleep apnea), and a score from your cognitive testing reflecting overall cognition. In addition, you will receive a complimentary copy of your MRI scan as a CD at your baseline and 2 year visits. Finally, upon study completion, you would receive $340 as compensation.
Will I receive the results of any of my other tests?
The measures used in this study, such as the PET scans, are for research purposes only. You will not receive the results of these measures, as they have no clinical or diagnostic value.
What is a Lumbar Puncture and are there side effects?
The lumbar puncture (LP), also called a spinal tap, is a routine procedure performed by board certified neurologists in our clinic. When performed in a clinical setting for our study, and others within the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center at UCSD, this procedure is low risk–with the most uncomfortable part typically being the injection of the numbing agent. The procedure involves the neurologist inserting a thin needle into a numbed area of your lower spine and extracting cerebrospinal fluid. This is immensely valuable, as it allows us to measure inflammatory and AD disease risk factors directly from the nervous system, providing a sort of "window into the brain." The most common side effect is the post-lumbar puncture headache, which is a mild headache that occurs in 1 out of 5 LP cases. This headache typically subsides upon laying down, which is why we have a 15-minute observation period after the procedure, where participants rest.
Will you tell me if the findings show that I have Alzheimer's Dementia?
All testing is done for the purpose of research only. For that reason, we cannot diagnose any type of dementias. However, if testing results show anything abnormal we may forward them to your PCP and you can elect to follow up with them.
How long do I have to wear Activity devices?
The hip and wrist devices should be worn for 7 days between Study Visit 1A and Study Visit 1B. The at-home sleep test device would be worn for one night only.
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